Product overview
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Exhaust air purification industry
Greasy vapors
For cleaning heavily grease- and odor-contaminated exhaust air from industrial fryers, Teflon fryers, cooking ovens in food production
Total C/ VOCs
For the neutralization of carbon compounds in industrial exhaust air
For the elimination of odor from sewage treatment plants, sewage sludge drying and industrial exhaust air.
Smoke / VOCs
For cleaning exhaust air containing smoke and tar from smokehouses
Gastronomy exhaust air purification
Kitchen operation with steaming, boiling, frying, roasting
For space-saving installation in existing on-site ventilation ductwork
CKA plus KAT
Combination of one of the modules with an activated carbon filter as a storage reactor at the end of the reaction section
If there is blue smoke and odour in the exhaust air (no fan available on site)
If blue smoke and grease are present in the exhaust air (on-site fan available)
If the exhaust air cannot be routed via the roof
Barbecue operation
For barbecue stations, with rising ash and charcoal bubbles
CGA plus CKA IB Channel
Scrubber plus UV ozone module as duct installation
CGA plus CKA IB Channel plus KAT
Scrubber plus UV-ozone module at the end of the reaction section
Disinfection air
Recirculation / supply air
Stand-alone devices:
Recirculation / supply air
Disinfection of the air directly at air handling units, fan coils, evaporators or at air handling units
Air handling units
For the disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems
Storage and loading spaces
For the disinfection of storage and loading rooms in food production when these are not occupied.
Disinfection of production facilities, packaged containers, packaging material in rooms with people
Disinfection water
For disinfection of air washers, humidification systems, wells, cisterns, tanks
Drinking water
Process water
Disinfection with ozonated water
Water purification
Organic suspended solids
For pre-sedimentation of waste water contaminated with organic loads
Molecules, dyes
For filtering out the finest suspended particles, such as dyes, up to viruses and molecules
Magnetic metals
To increase service life and for preclarification of wastewater from metal processing.
Air purifier for the health of the home
Building services
Air purification / odours
Low-maintenance, highly effective units for disinfection and odour neutralisation
Kitchen exhaust air
Highly effective plasma bonnets and plasma filters for odour and grease neutralisation in living areas
Living space ventilation
Sterilisation and odour neutralisation of the building supply air for controlled residential ventilation
Specialised products for ships
Kitchen exhaust air
Extractor bonnets for the special requirements on ships
USPH Galley Hoods
Customised bonnets for cleaning kitchen exhaust air -
UVW 1 – 4 Drying bonnets
Reduction of fat accumulation in kitchen exhaust air using UV ozone technology -
UVW 1 – 4 Washing bonnets
Self-cleaning UV ozone bonnet. CIP nozzles keep lamps and aerosol separator back free of grease.
Galley Demand Ventilation
Energy saving through temperature-controlled dampers. Exhaust air adapted to the ship’s exhaust air system and to the requirements of the kitchen appliances below.