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Clean Fryer Air

Powerful and light exhaust air purification system based on UV-ozone

Technische Merkmale

The compact and lightweight Clean Fryer Air (CFA) exhaust air purification system is designed for exhaust air purification in the food industry, especially in processes with fatty, organically contaminated and odorous exhaust air. This unit creates pleasant working conditions by significantly improving the indoor climate. In addition, it meets all TA requirements of the official regulations (total C, formaldehyde, aromatics, odor limits).


  • Exhaust air in the food industry (cooking lines, fryers, deep fryers)
  • Suitable for exhaust air temperatures of more than 45 °C
  • Not only at deep fryers, but also at other odor-intensive
    places, e.g. the product flouring area


  • System works exclusively with UV light and the ozone it produces.
  • The UV spectrum and the radiation emitted by it cause the oxidation processes to break down carbon double bonds and decompose them to water and carbon dioxide
  • In addition to ozone, singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals act as oxidants
  • The radicals are formed by UV light
  • Odor reduction 80 – 95
    Fat reduction and odor neutralization of exhaust air in the food industry
    Prevents high loads of organic carbon
  • Makes an active contribution to fire protection


  • Exhaust air in the food industry (cooking lines, fryers, deep fryers)
  • Suitable for exhaust air temperatures of more than 45 °C
  • Not only at deep fryers, but also at other odor-intensive
    places, e.g. the product flouring area

Technologie Material

  • Air treatment process based on UV and ozone (photolysis oxidation, photooxidation).
  • On/Off system, insensitive to load variations
  • In the mixing and condensation chamber, the air is enriched with oxygen to form radicals. In addition, pressure equalization and separation of coarse particles takes place there.
  • Irradiation chamber with UV lamps (UV/ozone tubes)
  • Automatic washing system
  • Control system

Installation Wartung

  • Roof installation possible
  • Reduced maintenance and operating costs, low energy consumption

Zusätzliche Infos

Technische Daten

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Product nameSuitable
for m³/h
leistung in kW
in mm (H x B x T)
in kg
CFA mini HO 500 2 3170 x 1000 x 350 400 1,4301
CFA 100 2.500 9 3611 x 1817 x 1253 1.200 1,4301
CFA 150 4.000 13 3611 x 1817 x 1703 1.500 1,4301
CFA 100 HO 3.500 17 3611 x 1817 x 1253 1,2001.4301
CFA 150 HO6.000253611 x 1817 x 17031.5001.4301

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