Kitchen exhaust air free of odour and grease
Replacing exhaust air via the roof with plasma
Replacement of thermal post-combustion
Energy-saving solutions for exhaust air purification in accordance with TA Luft – up to 99% less CO₂
Production lines free from germs and odours
Replace thermal post-combustion and save up to 80% on energy costs
Economical and comfortable ship operation
Beseitigung von Gerüchen und Keimen, längere Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln, Küchenabluft mit weniger Energieverbrauch
Healthier buildings
Energy-saving air exchange rates without the risk of germs, avoidance of waste room odours
Industrial exhaust air
Reduce energy costs and CO₂
We use innovative processes to remove organic loads from industrial exhaust air – to fulfil the German Clean Air Act (TA Luft) and save a considerable amount of energy compared to the TNV.
On / Off
Our systems only run while you are producing. You don’t need any pre-cooling. That alone saves a lot of energy.
No more complaints from neighbours
Our systems not only remove the pollutant loads to comply with TA Luft, but also the odour.
VOCs and other pollutants
We clean the typical organic pollutant profiles from food production as well as the coating, textile and chemical industries. We also get to grips with the exhaust air problems from waste and wastewater disposal.
Food hygiene
Minimise contamination
We use UV ozone and plasma technology to disinfect production facilities without leaving any residue.
Extend shelf life
We create germ-free storage rooms and thus significantly increase the shelf life of food.
Gastronomy exhaust air
Neutralize odour
We eliminate kitchen odors and thus avoid complaints from residents and landlords. Depending on requirements, we eliminate up to 99% of the odor.
State-of-the-art kitchen exhaust air
With hood systems ranging from plasma or UV ozone hoods to ventilated ceilings, we meet the highest requirements for fire protection and occupational safety and avoid unnecessary maintenance work.
Avoid exhaust air over the roof
With plasma exhaust air purification, we offer a more efficient and often more cost-effective solution for exhaust air purification that saves extensive construction work.
The right exhaust air solution for every cooking process
Frying, steaming or grilling create various exhaust air problems, which we can handle well with our wide range of air purification systems.
Building hygiene
Less air change, more hygiene
The less air movement, the higher the exposure of residents to germs and allergens. With our disinfection units for controlled domestic ventilation and for air conditioning systems, the contamination remains extremely low. This also puts an end to odors from ventilation systems.
Avoid kitchen odors
Whether you are planning residential kitchens or restaurants in your building, we have the perfect solution to ensure that the environment is not bothered by odors.
Prevent legionella
Legionella is an increasingly common problem, especially in cold water pipes. We eliminate the risk with UV-C and ozone. Heating is no longer necessary.
Ship hygiene
Good air on passenger ships
Whether on cruise ships or yachts, passengers everywhere want healthy, odor-free air. With 20 years of experience, we solve the associated technical challenges without any problems, anywhere in the world.
Germ-free breathing air
We remove germs, allergens and odors from air-conditioned air on ships. An important contribution to operational safety, costs and, last but not least, the comfort of passengers and crew.
Galley air
To prevent odors and for fire protection, we dispose of the exhaust air from galleys via dynamic air management, adapted to the current demand. This saves a considerable amount of energy. And all this in the space that is usually at a premium.
Fresh food
We keep fresh and chilled provisions fresh for a particularly long time in a virtually germ-free atmosphere. The taste and quality of fresh products are preserved for much longer.
Pool hygiene without chlorine
We use UV ozone technology to keep the pools, which are in short supply on ships, hygienically fresh at all times, even without chlorine.
Odor removal in disposal rooms
Unpleasant odors arise in grey water rooms and garbage rooms, especially in the tropics. With our UV ozone and plasma technology, we ensure that passengers don’t notice any of this and also protect the crew’s noses.