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Clean Exhaust Air

UV ozone exhaust air purification system to meet TA Luft requirements

Technische Merkmale

This exhaust air system is designed for industrial exhaust air purification. The air purification process of this plant takes place in three steps and thus effectively reduces VOCs/total C, formaldehyde, H²S, odors and fats in the industrial exhaust air. The plant complies with all regulatory requirements according to TA Luft (total C, formaldehyde, aromatics, mercaptans, odor limits).


  • This exhaust air system is designed for exhaust air purification in industry


  • 1. splitting of long-chain compounds by the UV light (photolysis) into radical compounds.
  • 2. formation of ozone and hydroxyl radicals and their decomposition products
  • 3. reaction of ozone with the decomposed compounds (oxidation) in the subsequent reaction section
  • Cross-flow of the exhaust air in the irradiation chamber achieves a high penetration depth of the UV light and thus optimum utilization of the radiation power.


  • This exhaust air system is designed for exhaust air purification in industry

Technologie Material

A CEA system always consists of the following components:

  • Irradiation chamber with UV/ozone connector
  • Automatic CIP unit
    Control system
  • Structure of the system: irradiation chamber with UV lamps (UV/ozone tubes), automatic CIP system, control system
  • Number of UV lamps depending on air volume
    On/Off system, insensitive to load fluctuations
  • All areas of the plant are automatically cleaned and remain free of deposits
  • Stainless steel

Installation Wartung

  • Low construction effort
  • Roof installation possible
  • Very low maintenance effort

Zusätzliche Infos

  • Low CO² emission
  • Very low energy consumption

Technische Daten

Product name Suitable
for m³/h
performance kW
in mm (L x B x H)
in kg
CEA 48/48 HO 2.000 – 5.000 4/8 900 x 2558 x 1395 500 Stainless steel
CEA 96/96 HO 4.000 – 10.000 9/16 1857 x 2558 x 1395 1.000 Stainless steel
CEA 144/144 HO 6.000 – 10.000 12/24 2716 x 2558 x 1395 1.500 Stainless steel
CEA 192 L/192 L HO 8.000 – 10.000 17/32 3616 x 2558 x 1395 2,000 Stainless steel
CEA 96 M/96 M HO 10,000 9/16 900 x 2558 x 2502 1,000 Stainless steel
CEA 192/192 HO 10,000 – 20,000 17/32 1857 x 2558 x 2502 2,000 Stainless steel
CEA 288/288 HO 15,000 – 20,000 25/ 48 2716 x 2558 x 2502 2,500 Stainless steel
CEA 384/384 HO 20,000 – 30,000 33/64 3616 x 2558 x 2502 3,000 Stainless steel

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