Exhaust air purification in the animal feed industry
The situation
In animal feed production, a basic distinction can be made between dry feed and wet feed production. This includes different process steps such as:
- Crushing and grinding of e.g. cereals. Mixing, dosing and homogenizing of raw materials according to recipes
- Extrusion for pelleting
- Heating to 80 or 120°C for sterilization
- Filling in sacks, cans or bags
The problem
Depending on the input material, emissions are generated in these production lines that lead to disturbing odors. The odor units can often reach values of 10,000GE and more. The exhaust air from animal feed production is characterized by protein content and moisture. The moisture content of wet feed is about 80% and that of dry feed about 10% of the dry matter content.
The solution
Photolysis oxidation is used to break down the exhaust air constituents and thus reduce odors. The overall plant concept consists of:
- a scrubber to reduce the exhaust air temperature from 80°C to 40°C
- the UV/ozone module with reaction section for the degradation of the organic ingredients
- and an activated carbon filter to optimize the degradation reactions.
With this plant configuration, a reduction in odor of up to 90% can be achieved in relation to the odor of the raw gas exhaust air.
The product


The advantages
- The limit values of the TA Luft are complied with at low operating costs
- Can be used in both continuous and discontinuous drying systems
- Less space required, less maintenance and less waste than biofilter systems