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Exhaust air purification during disposal

The situation

Municipal and industrial waste management companies fulfill an important function in the circular economy. However, they have to solve some exhaust air problems in the process.

The problem

The disposal of animal carcasses, composting plants and waste treatment plants, and the processing of foodstuffs produce exhaust air that is heavily contaminated with odors and causes massive nuisance to residents. Animal processing, e.g. in leather, meat or gelatine production, produces large quantities of massive odor emissions reminiscent of decay, fish or rotten eggs.

Farms demand the lowest possible investment and operating costs, expect low space requirements with high operational stability.

The solution

Photolytic oxidation results in “cold combustion” of organic material:

  1. Breakdown of long-chain compounds by the UV-C light.
  2. Formation of ozone by the UV-C light
  3. Reaction of the ozone with the decomposed compounds / oxidation

The purification takes place in 2 steps

  • UV chamber: splitting of long-chain compounds
  • by the UV-C light and formation of ozone by the UV-C light
  • Reaction section: Reaction of the ozone with the split compounds / oxidation

The oxytec UV-C ozone exhaust air purification systems reduce pollutant concentrations and odor emissions in equal measure.

The systems are insensitive to strong load fluctuations, generate low operating and maintenance costs, and operate simply and fully automatically without chemicals.

Das Produkt


Clean Exhaust Air
UV ozone exhaust air purification system to meet TA Luft requirements

The solution

After cleaning, the exhaust air is inconspicuous in odor and sterilized to boot.

The advantages

  • simple process control and low technical effort
  • significantly lower energy consumption (20%)
  • low space requirement
  • low operating and personnel costs low
  • investment costs
  • low maintenance costs
  • fully automatic cleaning
  • can be used around the clock
  • worldwide proven reliable plants
  • safe undercutting of the exhaust air limit values
  • no CO2 from combustion processes
  • no waste water pollution, no harmful residues

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